Bitesize training: food allergen enforcement and compliance

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With more people developing food hypersensitivity, allergen safety compliance is increasingly scrutinised. Several recent high-profile food allergen-related fatalities have resulted in an increased number of interventions and pressure for prosecution, leaving regulatory officers and industry compliance specialists on their guard.

Prosecutions are high stakes for all parties involved, and the collapse of cases close to trial weighs heavily on people, budgets, and reputations. This session will discuss the challenges of an investigation and equip delegates with the confidence to make the right decisions at the early stage of an inquiry. Early decision making is important for both regulators and industry personnel who benefit from an understanding of what is important to stakeholders on both sides of the legal argument.


  • To provide regulators with the confidence to decide when to prosecute allergen non-compliance issues
  • To provide industry practitioners with the confidence to assess their due diligence systems in respect of allergens where prosecution is threatened


  • To enable regulators to explore and understand how to devise and execute an effective investigation that stands up to external scrutiny
  • To enable industry practitioners to understand regulatory techniques and procedures, and the due diligence criteria which must be satisfied to challenge an allergen prosecution


Regulatory officers will become familiar with common areas where prosecutions have been exposed. They will understand what makes a good investigation more likely to be successful and will appreciate the importance and context of:

  • Effective and timely evidence gathering and its retention
  • The burden of proof
  • Instructing on, and interpreting, analyst reports
  • The due diligence defence and its assessment
  • The initial and continuing decision to prosecute

Industry practitioners will be able to understand what makes a prosecution more or less likely to succeed, and will appreciate the importance and context of:

  • How different types of evidence are gathered by the prosecution
  • Allergen control and labelling systems in compliance terms
  • The importance and robustness of allergen elements within general training
  • Additional allergen awareness training
  • The effectiveness of supervision
  • The maintenance of safety systems
  • Compliance with procedures
  • Various types of records

Who should attend?

  • Regulatory officers responsible for allergens compliance inspections and investigations
  • Environmental Health Practitioners and Trading Standards Officers
  • Food industry safety practitioners with responsibility for allergen control

What past delegates thought:

  • "Dr Belinda was an excellent speaker - very well informed and the information was delivered at a good pace."
  • "Very informative of an area that I'm less familiar with and a good refresher on legal process"

CPD: 2 hours

Belinda Stuart-Moonlight

Dr Belinda Stuart-Moonlight, Chartered EHP and Expert Witness 

Dr Belinda Stuart-Moonlight is a Chartered Environmental Health Practitioner. Belinda specialises in food safety and infectious intestinal disease control. Early on in her career, Belinda worked as an Environmental Health Officer in local government enforcement, before taking up a Junior Research Fellowship at King’s College, London. For the last twenty years, Belinda has run her own business providing consultancy, training, auditing and expert witness services. As an expert witness, the majority of her instructions focus on food contamination risk, and increasingly, injury and death from food allergy. Belinda is regularly sought after to provide opinion and consultancy for prosecution and defence, as well as, for organisations such as the Food Standards Agency (FSA), CIEH and the Association of British Travel Agents (ABTA).




Online (Zoom)

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CIEH member: £55
Affiliate member: £110
Non-member: £110
CIEH student member: £110

Online payments are card only. For purchase orders, email [email protected] (subject to your employer having this facility in place with CIEH). For help, call 020 7827 5800.

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