Bitesize training: statutory nuisance (module one) – how and when statutory nuisance should be used

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Statutory nuisance has a significant impact on the health and wellbeing of individuals. In recent years local authorities have seen a surge in reported statutory nuisance cases, particularly noise and smoke complaints. Module one of this Bitesize training series provides an introduction to how and when statutory nuisance should be used. 

Module one objectives

  • Learn how to use statutory nuisance procedures more effectively
  • Consider the overlap with other legislation, including Anti-social behaviour (ASB), as well as the relationship between statutory nuisance and common law
  • Understand how to serve and enforce abatement notices
  • Discuss how and why you can be challenged and how to make valid decisions that can be defended

What past delegates thought:

  • "I found everything relevant to residential properties useful"

CPD: 2 hours and 30 minutes

Tim Everett


Tim Everett, LLB LLM FCIEH CMCIH FRSPH CEnvH is a trainer and researcher in Environmental Health Law and is currently studying for a PhD at De Montfort University, Leicester.  He has postgraduate business qualifications and in addition has completed postgraduate work on air and water pollution control.

Tim is a Chartered Environmental Health Practitioner and was elected as a Fellow of the CIEH in 2000, and served as President of the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health from 2015 to 2017.  He was a CIEH Trustee between 1994-2000 and again from 2012 - 2017.  He was also President of its London hub from 1999-2004.

Tim is also a Chartered Member of the Institute of Housing and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Public Health. He is also an active member of UKELA and is a member of its Public Health Working Party.  

In his career, Tim has worked for four London Boroughs, the City of Swansea, and two District Councils and has also served as a national adviser on Environmental Protection issues to the Local Government Association (LGA) for over ten years.




Online (Zoom)

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CIEH member: £55
Affiliate member: £110
Non-member: £110
CIEH student member: £110

Online payments are card only. For purchase orders, email [email protected] (subject to your employer having this facility in place with CIEH). For help, call 020 7827 5800.

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