Bitesize training: building construction (module four) – windows, doors and staircases

CIEH member: £55
Affiliate member: £110
Non-member: £110
CIEH student member: £110

How do I pay? Please click the book now button to complete the online booking. Please note payment for online bookings are card only.

To pay by purchase order, please email the details to [email protected], this is subject to your employer having this facility in place with CIEH. To speak with one of the team in our contact centre please call 020 7827 5800.

Module four: windows, doors and staircases. This session concentrates on carpentry and includes windows, doors and staircases.


This course provides a basic grounding in building construction for those who are new to the field of housing, where job requirements include the inspection and surveying of domestic dwellings. The fundamentals of building construction course will be a detailed introduction to commonly used building terms, which intends to demystify the jargon used in the construction industry.

We have developed a series of six two-hour training module sessions so you can tailor training needs to your requirements. All elements from the building foundations to the roof will be considered, and there will be coverage of traditional methods of building construction, signs of failure of building components and potential remedies.

Who should attend?

These concise, two-hour online sessions are suitable for those who are new to an environmental health role or are recently qualified. The training is also relevant to those seeking to refresh their existing knowledge or learn more about a subject that is outside of their immediate realm of experience.

Which module is right for me?

Each module is stand-alone and you don’t have to attend all of them. However, if you wished to do so, we do recommend that you attend in ascending order (one to six).

CPD: 2 hours

Further modules in this series will include:

Module five: services installed into properties - Concentrating mainly on drainage and water supply, this session will look at the services into a property, including electrical and gas installation.

Date available to book:
3 June (10.00 to 12.00)

Module six: timber frames and non-traditional construction housing - This session aims to enable the delegates to identify modern timber frame construction and the more common varieties of system-built housing used on housing estates in the mid-20th century, many of which still comprise a significant proportion of the social, and ex-social, housing stock.

Date available to book:
3 June (14.00 to 16.00)

Paul Fitzgerald

Paul Fitzgerald qualified as an Environmental Health Officer in 1979 and has worked for a number of Inner London and 2 rural authorities, specialising in private sector housing. Paul has also worked for a Residential Social Landlord as a maintenance manager, dealing with routine, cyclical and project management. Since 1995 Paul has worked as a consultant in this field, carrying out, managing and quality assessing stock condition surveys, working for both public and private sector landlords on specific projects or providing staff cover. He set up his own company, Southern Environmental Services Limited, which ran from 1998 to 2021 and now acts as a sole trader, trading as Southern Environmental Services.

Paul has been involved with the implementation of the Housing Health and Safety Hazard Rating System since 1999, when it was trialied as part of local authority stock condition surveys. He is a University of Warwick Trained HHSRS Trainer, having delivered courses continuously since 2004, on the assessment and enforcement of the system, for the University of Warwick, the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health, CPC Ltd. PPS Ltd. RHE Ltd and other commercial training organisations. He has both developed and presented courses for Fire Risk Awareness, HMO Practical Inspection and Enforcement, HMO Licensing, Damp and Mould, Asbestos and bite-size modules for traditional housing construction.

His contracts have included;

• Managing the Houses in Multiple Occupation Team at Eastbourne Borough Council

• Acting Private Sector Housing Manager for Gravesham Borough Council, specifically submitting a successful bid for £0.86M additional grant funding.

• Private Sector Housing Team Manager, Oxford City Council, various roles, including HMO Enforcement and Unlawful Developments

• Delivering training courses to Private Sector Landlords on HMO issues.

• Delivering training courses to Surveying Companies and RSLs on the Health and Safety Hazard Rating System.

He continues to be act as a consultant and expert witness for both for Local Authorities and for private landlords, RSLs and charities such as Shelter in Private Sector Housing cases, putting theory into practice.

He has been the chairman of the National HMO Network and is still a member of that organisation




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