The CIEH President's Commission is a programme that is intended to be passed from President to President, and through which they will take forward projects that are personal to them and will define the period of their presidency.

The role of the CIEH President is to be an advocate for both the profession and for CIEH, provide a touchstone and sounding board for the organisation, and to engage with members. Each President will bring their own areas of interest to their term of office, and these should complement the role that they undertake on behalf of CIEH.

Presidents may choose to engage in discrete projects which will deliver results in the short term or to set in place longer term programmes which will continue after the originating president hands over the Commission baton to their successor. Irrespective of the nature of the project, the theme running through all the programmes is that they will support the work of CIEH and assist in the advancement of its objectives.

Just as the President is the visible face of CIEH, the President's Commission will be the visible roadmap of the President's term. It will represent their ambitions and aspirations for their time in office, and will engage members with the work of the President whether by suggesting or supporting projects, promoting aspirations or helping to deliver outcomes.

The nature of the President's Commission will evolve to reflect the interest and style of each incoming President as each puts their own stamp on it and, just as CIEH has adapted to reflect changing circumstances so will the President’s Commission. However, whatever the nature of the projects that arise from it, at its heart it will reflect CIEH and its ambitions, objectives and values.

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CIEH Noise Survey 2024/25

We're inviting all local authority professionals involved in noise control and management across England and Wales to take part in our survey.