Directory of student training opportunities online form

Please complete our online form to add your training opportunity to our directory. Please note that the information you provide will be published on our directory, therefore personal information should not be disclosed.

Provider details

Please provide the name and address of the provider - this should be the address that the student should attend rather than the Civic Centre, Town Hall or main office of a business.

Contact details

Please provide the contact details of the person to whom the student should apply to take up the opportunity. It is sufficient to provide an email address if the provider would prefer not to be contacted by telephone.

Opportunity details

Please tell us more about the nature of the opportunity that you're offering, e.g. inspection of houses in multiple occupation, investigation of food complaints, inspection of food premises (type specified or not), inspection of tattooist etc.

Please indicate the duration of the opportunity, e.g. half a day, one day, one day a week.
Please indicate if there are specific requirements relating to the opportunity, e.g. student to bring safety shoes, PPP, white coat and hat, and if specific pre-reading should be done, e.g. advice notes, guidance documents.
Please indicate any restrictions or limitations you may wish to attach to the opportunity, e.g. no visits during Christmas and months of July and August, no more than two students at any one time. If appropriate, please also indicate if the opportunity is only open at certain times or a fixed number of times during the year, and what that those times /periods are.
Please provide any other relevant information. Where the opportunity is not immediately available, please indicate this so that it can be made live from the date specified by you.

If you need to update any information, suspend your opportunity or remove it, please email [email protected] and advise of the required amendment or changes. If the opportunity is being suspended, please also let us know when it can be activated again.

We are very grateful for your support. We're pleased to include training opportunities from the public, private and third sectors and encourage you to not only support this Directory but encourage any other potential providers to consider contributing opportunities to widen the range and choice available.

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EHN special editions

We're celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Health and Safety at Work Act and the Control of Pollution Act with two special editions of EHN available to all.