EHN special editions
We're celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Health and Safety at Work Act and the Control of Pollution Act with two special editions of EHN available to all.
Monday, 29 April 2024, Louise Hosking, Executive Director of Environmental Health
Our external engagement is focused on advocating for the profession and promoting the CIEH vision of a safer, cleaner and healthier environment for everyone. Capacity and capability challenges as a Board priority form the foundations of the conversations we are having with our stakeholders.
Earlier in the year we launched our Public Health and Port Health Advisory Panels.
EH is a diverse area. Our members work within equally diverse settings. Some members are strategic thinkers, others like technical detail. We cannot support all potential issues members would like to focus upon, so the APs are identifying three or four strategic objectives. This also enables us to make the most effective use of our internal resources and remain on track with the priorities the Board have identified.
Our strength as a community is to create a bold vision to create safer, cleaner, healthier environments for everyone which will be realised via the Advisory Panel structure.
At the time of writing, we are working on a restructure of the CIEH web pages so members have a clear view of the work of the panels and strategic objectives as these are developed. The Environmental Protection AP page will be updated first and the Public Health and Port Health panels are now online. CIEH internal policy leads are working to embed a new approach which is effectively empowering and enabling our members. Once strategic objectives have been locked in we will be handing over the leadership of the panels to our members.
The panels are supporting a refresh of our manifesto which means all our policy priorities are aligned, this refresh will be delivered in late May/early June. Furthermore, the Policy and Campaigns team have been working hard behind the scenes on developing our General Election strategy that we are looking forward to sharing with members later on this summer.
We recently announced that we will be commissioning an independent review of the design and operation of our panels as part of a process of continual improvement to place members at the heart of all we do.
Volunteers within our Advisory Panels continue to actively support our policy work and consultations which can be accessed here: consultation responses.
I chaired our first meeting with a wide range of stakeholders to begin work on capacity and capability within the profession which is a strategic Board priority. This has been followed up by another meeting where the panel determined four top priorities as follows:-
1. The public health case for environmental health.
2. The economic case for environmental health.
3. Future proofing environmental health.
4. Accessibility of the profession.
We are currently working with panel members to collate case studies and data. A group is also convening to update resources for schools. There is a piece in this month’s EHN regarding the work.
Other engagement highlights have included:-
More will follow in my continued blog update next week!
EHN special editions
We're celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Health and Safety at Work Act and the Control of Pollution Act with two special editions of EHN available to all.