Businesswoman wearing a face mask while in the office

Providing safety reassurance to employees during uncertain times

Group of people looking at smartphones, holding face coverings in hands

Case-by case risk and control judgements

Woman holding apple in supermarket

Spotlight on supermarkets

Letter blocks the spells out 'new normal'

Living with COVID-19

Man watching webinar on laptop

Covid-Conversations and beyond

Sign reading 'Reset, Restart, Reopening'

Business reopening guidance published

Graphic of people and location tracing

Effective contact tracing is key

Face masks

Use of personal protective equipment in the workplace

Industrial warehouses surrounded by trees

New guidance for reopening businesses safely

Wooden block with people symbols on

Update on national volunteers register, contact with public health agencies and contact tracing

Lots of raised hands

Use CIEH to reach the ear of Government

Rats next to a bin

The importance of pest management during the COVID-19 crisis

Sign that says 'Volunteers Needed'

Update on CIEH's COVID-19 National Environmental Health Volunteer Register

Closed coronavirus business sign

New guidance on closure of businesses

A man handling food behind a sandwich counter with plastic gloves

Coronavirus – a week of change 

EHN magazine cover

EHN special editions

We're celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Health and Safety at Work Act and the Control of Pollution Act with two special editions of EHN available to all.